Boston Fern

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Boston Ferns add beautiful lush greenery to any space.  You often see them decorating porches and patios during the late spring and summer months. Although Boston Ferns can be a bit picky when it comes to care, they can thrive with little care once the environment is right.


Boston Ferns prefer bright, indirect light, direct sunlight will burn the fronds. If outdoors, placing them in an area with morning sun is best, with protection from the afternoon sun. If you notice your fern is losing its vibrant color it may need more light.


The key to success with Boston Ferns is humidity. When indoors is it especially important to provide supplemental humidity for your plant to thrive. A humidifier, humidity tray and daily misting can all provide adequate humidity levels for Boston Ferns.

These plants also need to have consistently damp soil. Checking your plant daily and water when the top layer is dry, is key. When outdoors, your plant will most likely need water daily.

If kept outdoors for the summer, the transition indoors can be a challenging one for Boston Ferns. They will likely shed fronds and may be unhappy for a bit while they adjust to their indoor conditions.


Boston Ferns should only be fertilized during the summer months. Use a 20-10-20 water-soluble liquid fertilizer at half strength monthly during the summer months.

Learn more about caring for your Boston Fern.

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