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Bromeliads are beautiful tropical plants with interesting foliage and flower spikes. The flowers are long-lasting and are available in a variety of colors and shapes. These plants add some bright, bold color to your home or patio.


Bromeliads can handle a variety of lighting conditions but are happiest with bright indirect light. Protect your plant from direct sunlight. Prolong exposure to direct light can cause damage to your plant. Although Bromeliads can survive in dimly lit or shaded areas, the flowers will fade more quickly.

High humidity--around 60% indoors-- will also keep your plant thriving. This may be hard to achieve indoors through the colder months. There are a few options that can help raise your home's humidity levels.

    • Ran a humidifier near your plant.
    • Create a humidity tray by placing rocks or pebbles on a tray and filling it with water. Place this near your plant. The water will evaporate and increase the humidity of the area. If you chose to set your plant on the tray, be sure it is raised above the water. Bromeliads do not like their roots sitting in water.
    • Move other plants to the area. The natural process of transpiration will release water vapors into the air, helping to increase humidity.
    • Mist your plant regularly.


Because they store water in the tank or cup at the center of the plant, Bromeliads can withstand some neglect when it comes to watering. Water only when the top few inches of soil are dry to the touch. You can use the finger test to check this. Push your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If the soil is dry it is time to water.

Water your plant thoroughly until water runs through the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot. Make sure the water is drained completely to prevent the roots from sitting in water. Avoid overwatering your Bromeliad by monitoring soil moisture closely before watering.



Bromeliads aren't heavy feeders. Using a water-soluble fertilizer once a year should keep your plant looking its best. It is important to only apply fertilizer to the base of the plant, and not through the central cup or tank. Too much fertilizer can cause your plant to become leggy and its colors fade.

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