Decorate your porch and patio with container gardens for a splash of color! Here are some tips for easy container gardening:
1. The Best Container – Plants need proper drainage, so choose containers with a hole in the bottom. Excess water needs to flow through the soil rather than accumulate on the bottom. English Gardens has a vast selection of containers in a variety of materials. Check out our pottery in new styles and colors to decorate indoors and outdoors.
2. The Perfect Soil – Select the proper planting medium. For best results, use Proven Winners Potting Soil, a planting mix specifically designed for containers. Garden soil or top soil is too heavy and won’t drain properly. Replace the soil in your containers every year, as the nutrients get depleted.
3. Make It Light – Before you place the soil, insert an Ups-A-Daisy. This will reduce the amount of soil needed for large pots, resulting in a pot that’s lighter in weight and easier to move around.
4. Better Drainage – Place the container on top of a Down Under. The Down Under holds the planter above the surface of your patio or porch to allow for water to drain out from the bottom. Some are available with wheels for easier mobility.
5. Select the Plants – Use the “Thriller, Filler and Spiller” concept to help you choose the right plants and arrange them for the perfect container garden!
Thriller Plants: Thrillers are tall, upright plants that add a vertical element. Thrillers can be flowering, foliage plants or ornamental grasses. Plant in the center or at the back of the container. Place it in the center to view the container from all angles. Planting it in the back adds a dramatic touch to be seen from one side.
Filler Plants: These plants have rounded or mounded habits that fill the container. Place these midway between the edge of the container and the Thriller.
Spiller Plants: Spillers trail and hang off the sides of the container. Place the spillers close to the edge and on every visible side.
Experiment for a unique look by mixing perennials, tropical plants or dwarf varieties of trees and shrubs with colorful annuals. Or create harmony with one color and use different shades and textures for each plant. Maintain a ratio of three to four flowering plants to one foliage plant for contrast.
6. Plant with Success –Ensure successful blooms and plant growth with a time-release plant food, such as Osmocote. As you plant, sprinkle Osmocote All-Purpose Plant Food into the soil.
7. Feed Plants – Keep your plants fertilized and looking good all summer long by using a water soluble fertilizer, like Proven Winner Fertilizer, every 10 days to 2 weeks.
8. Water Regularly – Check to see if your container needs water every day by using your finger to feel the soil. If dry to the touch, water the container thoroughly.
To save time, set up a drip irrigation system, like Proven Winners WaterWise around your container gardens! Make it simpler and add a timer, so the system will turn on every morning and you’ll never forget to water again!. On hot summer days, additional watering may be necessary. This is a project that will pay off all season!
For ideas and expert advice, visit the experts at any English Gardens location.