Ficus Burgundy

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Ficus Burgundy, also known as the Rubber Tree, is best known for its dark glossy leaves that range in color from a deep purple to almost black. Although they are a bit more specific with their needs, once you learn how to care for them, they make great additions to your home. In the right indoor conditions, they can grow between 4 and 6 feet tall!


Ficus Burgundy needs bright indirect light to not only keep its color but to thrive. Insect and pest activity may increase if not given enough light.

Varieties with green foliage can handle lower lighting conditions.


Rubber Plants like to dry out between watering. Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before giving it a thorough watering, allowing the water to run through the pot. If you notice yellow or browning leaves, your plant is being over-watered. Droopy leaves means your plant needs more water.

Regular maintenance like weekly misting and wiping the dust and debris off the leaves will help keep it happy.


Use liquid plant food monthly from Spring through Fall to keep your Ficus Burgundy looking its best. If being kept in lower lighting conditions, fertilizing is extra important to keep your plant healthy.

Learn more about caring for your Ficus Burgundy.

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