Snake Plant

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Snake Plant, Sansevieria or Mother-in-law’s Tongue, is a great low-maintenance option for new or seasoned plant parents alike. This succulent-like plant thrives on neglect and adapts to most indoor conditions. Available in several varieties, Snake Plant is a must-have for any room of your home.


Snake Plants aren’t fussy about where their light comes from. They adapt rather well to a brightly lit room or a shadowy hall wall or bathroom.  While they prefer bright, indirect light, your plant will be happy just about anywhere.  Just keep your Snake Plant away from direct sun as the leaves can get scorched.

Just know that low light doesn't mean no light. Your Snake Plant still needs a light source to grow. Keeping it in a dimly lit area will slow or stop its growth. While it may not be growing, it will acclimate and survive just fine anywhere in your home. And less growth means less water.


Being a member of the succulent family, Snake Plants can store water in their leaves allowing them to go a bit between waterings. They are native to the desert and expect long periods of drought so it is best to allow the soil to dry out completely before watering.

Resist the urge to water weekly. Snake Plants like to be dry, so watering too often may cause root rot. With these plants, it is best to underwater than overwater. Cut back on watering in the winter, and remember that the less light a plant gets, the less water it needs.


Snake Plants don't require much fertilizer. You can use a water-soluble balanced fertilizer twice during the spring and summer for an extra boost, but if you forget don't worry, your plant will be just fine.

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