It is summer time! Your garden is in full bloom and you’re enjoying the fruits of your spring labor. Here are some tips to keep your gardening looking its best this month.
Proper Watering is Key
When temperatures are consistently warm and the rain is slowing down, remember to keep your lawn and garden hydrated. Underwatering is the number one reason your plants fail to thrive.
- Set-up a watering schedule. Temperatures will increase, and your plants will start feeling the heat. Now is the time to get your watering plan started. Whether it’s sprinklers, a hose, or drip irrigation, help your plants prepare for summer’s heat with the proper amount of water.
- Water anything newly planted often. Check them frequently to address any issues that may arise.
Watch our video Summer Watering Tips
Garden Bed Care
Garden beds need maintenance throughout the summer. Doing a few things each week is easier and will keep everything looking great.
- Remove weeds regularly. It’s easier to spend a few minutes each day removing small weeds than letting them overgrow your beds. Learn more tips to keep your garden weed free.
- Mulch beds to reduce weeds, conserve water and provide a neat top dress.
- Cut back spring perennials as they finish blooming. Divide if necessary to improve next year’s flowering. Learn more about Dividing and Transplanting Perennials.
- Set supports for floppy plants, vines and vegetables.
- Finish planting summer annual flowers for season-long color. Learn more about Planting Annuals.
- Plant summer bulbs such as cannas, gladiolus and dahlias.
- Plant caladium and tuberous begonias in shady areas.
- Consider adding a few container gardens, if you have areas that need a spot of color. Watch our video on Container Gardening Essentials and Container Garden Care.
- Fertilize annual plants and container gardens, every 10 days to 2 weeks, with a water-soluble formula. Learn more about caring for your annuals and fertilizing your annuals.
- Fertilize vegetable plants, with an organic slow-release fertilizer like Espoma’s Plant Tone.
Watch our video Gardening 101
Trees and Shrub Care
Spend a few minutes tending to trees and shrubs this month to keep them looking great year after year.
- Deadhead rhododendrons, azaleas and lilacs, once they’ve finished flowering.
- Deadhead roses, as they finish blooming.
- Fertilize roses after full bloom.
- Prune any plants with dead, diseased, crossing or weak branches.
- Prune hydrangea bushes, particularly macrophyllus, which may have winter die-back. Watch our video on Pruning Hydrangeas.
- Prune any dead branches protruding from new growth.
- Prune your early spring-flowering shrubs to control their size.
- Prune evergreens and evergreen hedges to control their size.
Lawn Care
A green, lush lawn is a great way to improve your curb appeal. Keep it looking great with these tips: .
- Mow the lawn regularly, and keep blades at a height of 2 ½” to 3 inches.
- Use a rain gauge to accurately measure the amount of water a lawn gets. Aim for about an inch of water a week when it’s actively growing.
Learn more about Summer Lawn Care.
Control Pests & Diseases
Pests and diseases can take a toll on your plants. Be proactive and catch problems when they arise to save you time and money in the long run.
- Check for pests and problems often. To help reduce pests in your garden, release beneficial insects such as ladybugs. Learn more about Beneficial Insects.
- Continue to apply deer and rabbit repellents or plant one of our recommended deer-resistant plants,
- Watch for any signs of plant stress or disease, particularly leaf fungus, black spot, powdery mildew, or rust. Treat any issues immediately before they become big problems. Learn more about our Garden Pharmacy
Watch our video Environmentally Friendly Gardening Tips
Ask Us For Advice
We are here to help you with all your gardening and landscape needs. Visit our experts in our Garden Pharmacy at any English Gardens location. We’ll diagnose problems with anything growing and provide a solution for its care.
Take time to enjoy the outdoors!