
Also known as Ti Plants, Cordylines are tropical plants with striking foliage ranging in color from green to pink to dark red. These beauties can be kept indoors during the winter as house plants, or make a statement on your patio through the summer. They require minimal care, once their basic needs are met.


Cordylines prefer medium lighting conditions.  When indoors try to provide as much light as possible without exposing them to direct sunlight.

While outdoors, find a spot that has morning sun and partial afternoon shade. These plants do well with as much light as possible, but should still be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sun.


Cordylines need to be kept moist. These tropical plants will not tolerate drying out. Check the soil daily and water when the top layer starts to dry out. Outdoor plants will likely need water more often than those kept indoors.

Use only purified water when watering Cordylines. They are sensitive to fluoride and can develop brown tips when exposed. Also, do not use potting soil with perlite as that contains fluoride which can also affect your plant.


During the summer, use a balanced plant fertilizer at half-strength weekly. Do not fertilize during the fall, winter or spring.

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