PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Color-changing orbitals are the highlight of downtown Royal Oak’s holiday decorating this year.
English Gardens has been decorating downtown Royal Oak for about five years, primarily wrapping street trees with festive lights. This year, the Downtown Development Authority wanted different options — decorations visible day and night, and decorations throughout the downtown area, not just Main Street and Washington.
Our solution was to hang nearly 500 color-changing spheres featuring multi-color lights and ornaments in jewel tones in large locust trees at the corners of each intersection. The orbitals are controlled by remote control, offering flexibility with display.
The City of Royal Oak is the only place you’ll find these decorations anywhere in Michigan. “Our favorite part of the holidays is finding unique items that set our clients apart from everyone else,” explains John Collins, Landscape Company General Manager. “We’re continually looking for unique items to make our projects special.”